Installing and testing IOT: MPI IO test suite --------------------------------------------- 1. unpack the archive into a directory of your choice 2. set the environment variable IOT_HOME to the full path to eg. set it in .cshrc: setenv IOT_HOME $HOME/iotest 3. edit /Makevars file: MPIR_HOME: path to root directory of MPI installation MPILIB_DIRS: path to MPI library directory MPIINCLUDE_DIRS: path to MPI include directory FC: name of Fortran90 compiler 4. compile test programs type: cd make (see Note A) 5. install executables type: make install 6. edit NQS job script template in bin/job specify location of executable program and mpirun change cd command to cd to data directory if necessary 7. edit user test parameter file parameter filename fixed in Fortran source program wrapper eg iot_all.f Default is data/, example is provided. 8. run test program eg. to run iot_all cd data qsub -lP job where is number of processors required 9. check output standard output and error will go to files in data directory test statistics output file is named in user test parameter file and usually goes to the timings directory. Example output for data/ is provided in timings/lowlevel.out. NOTE: A. Makefile Targets ------------------- In general: make, make clean, make veryclean - work on the current and all subdirectories recursively. Targets: in /src: all: make all executable test programs (default) iot_all: make executable for all test programs iot_lowlevel: make executable for low-level test programs iot_kernel: make executable for kernel test programs clean: remove all object files and other intermediate files veryclean: perform clean and remove executables from src in : install: copy executables to bin directory clean: remove all object files and other intermediate files veryclean: perform clean and remove executables from src and bin PLUS all targets for /src